Posted by Mohammad Izhar

B2B SEO is one of the campaigns that focuses on the leadership & branding.

It is not only meant for making sure that the websites shows up only at that moment when visitors or customers search for the particular category of the product.

It is targeting at the point that the audiences use to get visualized with the website in the SERP’s when the search engine questions are related to their need.


B2C SEO is that campaign which focuses on creating & managing content.

In this content dose not sticks at a place it is in variations, for instance onsite & offsite.

Onsite SEO includes websites, titles & content.

Offsite SEO includes inbound links & external websites.


Main difference between B2B SEO & B2C SEO is regarding the campaign which includes setting of the goals.

If it comes to the comparison then the consumption of time involved in decision process  in the B2B MARKET is considered to be pretty longer than from B2C MARKET, due to the effectiveness of the cost of some product or some kind of commitment made in the service providing.

The whole of SEO process is being affected with all these goals which differentiate.


In whole of the process which is being include in both the versions of business it is considered that it’s only a product which is being sold to a person. But still it is concluded that MARKETING BUSINESS TO BUSINESS (B2B) is something completely different from MARKETING BUSINESS TO CONSUMER (B2C) , they follow variant best practices & sales cycles along with this they have various business motivators. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) is not doing the purpose for this ruling zone.


Differentiation made to bring out the drastic change regarding the understanding between SEO for B2B & SEO for B2C, can be concluded as follows:-




It is an essential thing to focus on presenting clear & concise product details.  It is not good to present the details focusing on a point over and over, let the marketing speak the quality itself.  As the consumers involves in this are pretty much eager to know that what they are getting.


It is an essential point to cover in ranking in the top listed searches. If the content is not completing the essential needs & does not support that value, it would not be considered a good sign if it comes to winning, therefore there is the requirement of fulfilling the needs which must be summed up as valuable in both the terms of search engines and buyers to drive out the conversions better so far.




When it comes to purchase, it must be an easy task for the consumers to look for.

SEO efforts must be a focusing point of the product pages. Like if any visitor or the customer is searching for any product, there must be no difficulty in finding.


Using the sale funnels & mapping the keywords of the content for the buyers.

Mapping the content & keywords generated helps in educating the buyers, which indirectly convince them to make a deal & purchase.




Researching on the customer’s behaviors by having a conversation with them, analyzing the corporate database & consulting the representatives of the sales due to the goal of understanding the exact requirements regarding the search leads from the buyers. As by doing so & making it sure there can be a development of informational content & optimization towards the product’s pages to support high intent keywords.


It is essential to develop a strategy of keywords around regarding the most popular products. Then further it is necessary to develop landing pages or the implementing filters for the support of the keywords provided. This procedure can involve the separation of the products by branding & optimizing for the provided keywords.




It is important for a SEO professional to keep more focus on the leads as most of the conversions happens to come out from the results of the conversation of the sales. It is the initial step & an essential one too to determine on the constitution of the leads (high quality or sales ready). Then to focus & clear that how many leads produce as the results of organic searched traffic.


By using the analytical tools it is essential to determine the conversion of organic ratio into paying ratio of the customers. If it is found to be low, then it is necessary to increase the conversion ratio. This is essential when it comes to the optimization of the landing page. It can be preceded further with few different ways.




In this marketing zone the visitors or the buyers are found to be more conductive towards the research before preceding for the purchase, in order of this it is essential to make the keyword & strategy more comprehensive along with the search rankings. To be in the chain it is important to be visible in the search results when the prospect is on hunt regarding any product & once it has been searched it is necessary to be visualized again once the identification of the products starts.


In the B2C space there is usually found a common theme, when it comes to the necessity point of website optimization & SEO. If there is an error found in between with the concern of the buyer in terms of navigation to the website, within no time that party can be left out accordingly. With the collaborative technique of user testing determination can be made to recognize the need of the customer through the search.

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